Top 4 ways having insurance imperative

[vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\”]Life is wonderful, but it also has unexpected moments that can be challenging. Insurance is here to help with health, car insurance Miami needs with crazy drivers, and boat insurance Miami is buying to kick off the summer season as well as home with the prime season for hurricanes. Not having insurance

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Standing under the umbrella: What home insurance covers

[vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\”]In 2005, the catastrophic event of Hurricane Katerina decimated New Orleans. Lives were shattered and many homeowners had to climb on roofs to be rescued when the levees broke. That was only the beginning. What many residents did not know was once the waters receded and their homes dried in the sun

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Expectations from miami auto insurance coverage

[vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\”]A car accident is a terrifying experience. The noise, the glass, and the panic can make each second feel like an hour. Even fender benders need some pre-planning so you can spring into action to physically and financially protect yourself in the unfortunate event of an accident. The best car insurance Florida provides will

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Phoning Home: when to call your home insurance

[vc_row width=\”no-padded\”][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\” extra_classes=\”blog-des-p\”]Humans are a resourceful bunch. Since the dawn of civilization, insurance has existed in one form or another. Close knit communities formed as a way of dealing with the unexpected. If a house burned down, neighbors were expected to care for the family as the home was being rebuilt. With

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The workplace, what you should know

[vc_row width=\”no-padded\”][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\” extra_classes=\”blog-des-p\”]The workplace is where American workers can expect to spend at least a third of their day. Eight hours with co-workers and bosses is strictly regulated by the federal government to prevent discrimination in any form. Below are the top five claims of bias in the workplace.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\”]Retaliation Almost

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What every boat owner should know

[vc_row width=\”no-padded\”][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\” extra_classes=\”blog-des-p\”]Everyone has dreams of sailing the high seas at their leisure as the captain of their boat. A seaworthy vessel is an investment. Given that is not a part of your home, even if it is docked there, home insurance does not extend coverage for it unless requested. Additionally, it

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Escrow your insurance payments with your mortgage payments

[vc_row width=\”no-padded\”][vc_column width=\”1/1\”][vc_column_text margin_top=\”0\” margin_bottom=\”0\” extra_classes=\”blog-des-p\”]Sometimes we hear words enough that we know we should learn the meaning. Escrow is one of those words that everyone seems to bandy about assuming the definition is common knowledge. Most people do not know that there are two types. Both of types of escrow help you with your

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